Hi, I am András TÓTH!

Here you find my curriculum vitae with all the skills acquired over the years.

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1965 – 1969
Budapest, Chemical Technical School "Lajos Petrik".
Chemical technician.
1969 – 1975
Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies.
Equivalent by homologation to a diploma obtained in the organic and biological chemistry department of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology.
Chemical engineering technologist.
1980 – 1982
Scuola Normale Superiore and University of Pisa.
"Perfezionamento" studies.

Workplace, experience

1975 – 1980
Research Laboratory
for Inorganic Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences:
Investigation of aluminum oxide chlorination reactions.
1980 – 1982
Scuola Normale Superiore
Scuola Normale Superiore and University of Pisa: Synthesis of copper(I) complexes, X-ray crystallography, ORTEP drawing.
1982 – 1997
Research Laboratory
for Inorganic Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences:
Surface modification and XPS Characterization of Polymers.
1998 – 2014
Chemical Research Center
Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry:
Research field: surface chemistry. Material sciences, technologies, surface engineering, multidisciplinary science.


MSc. Thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of Organopolychlorosiloxanes
University of Fine Chemical Technologies, Moscow.
Doctor rerum naturalium. Thesis: Thermogravimetric Studies on the Chlorination Reactions of Alumina.
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
CSc. Thesis: Surface Modification and XPS Characterization of Polymers.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.


1975 – 1980
Research assistant
1979 – 1995
Research fellow
1996 –
Senior research fellow
2007 – 2014
Head of laboratory

Scientific interest (Keywords)

Surface chemistry
XPS, ESCA. XAES, Auger parameter plot. Plasmon loss energy
Siloxane, organosilicon, poly(dimethyl-siloxane), poly(vinyl-trimethyl-silane), polyimide, polyether ether ketone, polysulfone,
ethylene vinyl acetate, polyethylene-oxide (PEO), polypropylene, polyvinyl-chloride, polyethylene, ultra-high molecular
weight polyethylene UHMWPE, polyamide, poly(ethylene-terephthalate), poly(tetrafluoroethylene),
polycarbonate, polyvinylpyrrolidone
cellulose, cotton, linen, flax, paper, wood, pulps
Membrane separation
Microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration,
reverse osmosis, dialysis, electrodialysis, pervaporation, gas separation, liquid membrane separation.
Fillers, particles
Surface modification ion beams. Low-energy ion implantation.
Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter SRIM/TRIM programs.
Fast atom beams FAB
Plasma chemistry
RF plasma, corona discharge, plasma immersion ion implantation PIII, dielectric barrier discharge DBD, cold atmospheric air-plasma.
Chemical vapor deposition CVD, physical vapor deposition PVD, DC magnetron sputtering
Surface energy
contact angle, wettability, hydrophilicity, hydrophobicity, superhydrophobicity,
lotus effect.
Attenuated total reflectance ATR FTIR spectroscopy.
Raman spectroscopy.

Optical microscopy, digital camera
Colorimetry CIELAB
Surface electrical resistance
Design of experiments DOE
Nanomechanical and nanotribological analysis
nanoindentation, hardness and Young modulus, surface
topography, abrasive wear, nanoscratch, friction. Roughness, smoothing, finishing.
Orthopaedic materials
Dental materials


Committee on Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Science (HAS)
Hungarian Chemical Society
 Membrane Technique (Hung. Chem. Soc.)
Committee for Surface Chemistry and Nanostructure of Materials (HAS)
Scientific Committee for Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry


Researcher Prize. Chemical Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007
Certificate. ValDeal Innovation Zrt. and The University of Texas at Austin IC2 Institute, 2007


174 343 1976, 211 184 1993, Russian 2072890, P 0700129 2007, International WO 2008/096186 A1, P 0700445 2007, P 0900416 2009

Knowledge of languages

Hungarian - mother tongue
English (C), Italian (C), Russian (C).

Publications (MTMT2)

 Books, editors:           3
Chapters:                38
Publications:           200
All citations:         3060
Independent citations: 2430
Hirsch index:            30

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